Selected testimonials from the impact and reach of Ademola Morebise's writing and work.
Beyond helping me brand my business professionally and keep better records, Ademola Morebise delivered exposure to working digital marketing strategies and business revenue increased
I will like to say Ademola Morebise is a ‘pusher’, he knows just exactly the right words to say that can ignite your spirit and propel your brain to work. His enthusiasm is out of this world #LOL# like seriously, I really envy that. He’s not just a motivator but a doer, he makes sure the desired result is achieved
Ademola Morebise and his work comes highly endorsed. Recently he delivered a spectacular project for a friend and I. I was not only wowed by the end result, but also that he put in a personal effort at ensuring he surpassed what we needed.
He has a very customer focused orientation.
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Here is a man who won't spoon feed you but hold your hands and walk the storms with you. His words are life.
At first, I was like hope I haven't wasted the little token that I have. But as I continued to listen to both the audio program, your daily audio program (Your Daily Starter), and the other resources provided, my mindset has really changed!
I have really been challenged and motivated to move on with the academic research I wanted to embark upon.
You are really God sent to activate the young people of our generation towards maximising their potentials in all walks of life especially on entrepreneurship. Once again, thanks again and again.
I THANK GOD I didn't withhold the little token and remain in ignorance.
I just discovered Ademola Morebise a couple of weeks ago, and started to listening to his audio program; Your Daily Starter, teaching us how to build our businesses and what we need to succeed and all of that and I have always found it to be quite interesting, quite knowledgeable.
I then heard about his Formidable Business Workshop, I decided to attend and my experience there was fantastic.
I strongly believe that I have a lot to learn from him irrespective of the fact that he is younger than me. Knowledge is not about age, Ademola Morebise is very knowledgeable and that is something I want to tap into, he understands business clearly, he understands structuring, he understands how to setup business teams, processes and policies in place. I am learning a lot and I just want to say thank you!