Merry Christmas

Its perhaps a few weeks earlier than expected. But there we go, Merry Christmas! Seasons Greetings!

Jokes over, now let us get to business.

The holiday period is fast approaching and it is a great time to make some cool money. A lot of money will be spent this season and we need to be well positioned to cash in. People actually save up all year just in order to spend it during this season. All the serious companies in the world draft up plans for this season, and we should not be left out.

What I am trying to do this morning is to open you up to the idea that YOU too can cash in this period, there are loads of businesses you can quickly setup solely for the purpose of this season.

What can I do?

Anything, actually. The fun thing about this season is that many people will buy stuff or patronise you just for the fun of it. The only requirement about the kind of business or app to build this season is that it must be FUN or be about FOOD & DRINKS. (So, here I am begging you to flunk those change-the-world ideas for now, build your space ships and quantum computers next year, for now we just want to eat, drink, have fun and thank God for another awesome year!)

Cash in!

Cash in!!

Cash in!!!!

The obvious ideas to me are:

  • Commerce, buying and selling. You could look for a cheap place to buy really good cloths and sell or higher prices in your neighborhood. Or buy in bulk and sell in bits, its all up to you
  • If you can suit up and talk, why not organise fun trips for teenage groups? A simple trip to the cinema, zoo, museum plus lunch at Mr Biggs/Tantalizers/Wherever will resonate with kids. You can pitch such a service to schools, churches, youth clubs around you
  • Gift hampers, people who are rich enough to give out gifts are usually too busy to sit down and think of what to buy. What if you saved them all that headache by making gift hampers?
  • If you are a good networker, you can put together city guides and shopping guides and gift ideas publication. You will make money from ads for every restaurant or shop whose shoes, bags and cloths you curate inside your publication.

A big tip for you, target CHILDREN and WOMEN, ignore MEN, once you grab the kid or the woman, you have the man’s purse and that is good enough!

If we play our game well, we might just save up enough money to fund our real businesses next year.

So, what will hold you back from making money this season?


Watching The World



About The Author

Ademola Morebise Posted on

Principal Ademola Morebise, aka "He That Watereth" is a teacher, creator and magnate. is the home of his writing and work.

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