Efficiency and the cool factor

Business is about getting things done in a way that maximises profit. Tech in its original incarnation used to be about efficiency, but now it seems tech is all about the showoff. Tech is now more about the cool factor, how cool is your product?

Too many technologist out there: programmers, engineers and the likes tend to focus more on how they are going to come up something cool or bad ass and not on solving the business objectives to maximise profit. But here is the thing; nobody cares about you kick ass tech, people have problems and the money goes to whoever solves the problem most efficiently.

To create a viable product, you have to decide you want to fulfill business objectives.

You have to decide if this thing is a business or a pet project.


Watching The World


About The Author

Ademola Morebise Posted on

Principal Ademola Morebise, aka "He That Watereth" is a teacher, creator and magnate. Morebise.com is the home of his writing and work.