Customer care is one of the most important aspects of business. I could even argue that it is more important than the products and services.
A lot of times, I have changed my mind about certain companies following the manner in which the customer care handled my case.
I have observed however that as companies grow big, the customer care service also starts to suck either because the staff are underpaid, or more likely because the customer care staff don’t care as much as the founders or early staff used to.
The are barely Customer Care representatives these days. More like Customer Care-less but to their credit, not really Customer HATE.
Serious companies should not joke with the quality of their customer care, they make or mar the entire company. A customer not taken seriously or dismissed will soon deflect to the competition; there are choices out there!
Customer Care service has to be efficient, whether you are a one-man startup or a 50,000 staff strength behemoth. Ineffective Customer Care bleeds away customers, which bleeds away revenue which bleeds away profit.
#Happy Customer Service week#