With focus and time, every problem will melt away as a solution appears. There is no such thing as an unsolvable problem and the only question really is this:
Is the problem worth the time investment?
Solving problems require a lot of thinking through in order to draft the perfect response, some things cannot be rushed.
The reason you pay a mechanic to fix your car is not because you are too dumb to learn how to do it yourself, rather it is not worth your time to learn how to fix cars because you are probably very happy with your current profession.
We all get 24 hours in a day, no more, no less and it is now left to us to determine the best ways to invest that time. It is the things we invest that time into that makes or mars us in the long term.
Watching The World
- Facebook’s Free Basics banned in Egypt because they are refusing to allow the government to spy on the users.
- Lenovo is rebranding Motorola to “Moto”. Guess we haven’t seen the last of Motorola yet…. wait, you do remember Motorola, right?