It is important to commit to your personal vision over everything else – even your own comfort.
You should realise that once your vision starts to work out, it will bring you a sense of fulfilment and it will also cater for all your needs.
Making giant strides towards fulfilling the vision alongside a day job is such a daunting task. The solution is not to quit your job, doing so prematurely will even wreck things further.
Your vision will not build itself, you need to make giant strides towards the fulfilment of the vision every day. You can start by setting aside 1 hour everyday just to think about it.
You can figure out a way to keep it going against all odds. No matter how busy you might seem to be at the moment.
A lot of people have figured it out and a lot of people will still figure it out.
You can make progress towards fulfilling your vision every single day.