It almost always comes down to having the guts

One of the most popular stories of all times is the moving tale of David. A boy who rose beyond his background and worked his way up the ladder of greatness, one step at a time, no shortcuts.

His tale begins with the rumours that he took on a bear and a lion and killed them single handedly. A lion is no joke, a bear is no slouch!

While watching The Revenant, the movie that finally won Leonardo DiCaprio an Oscar; the David story came alive in a very moving manner; I could finally have a feel of what it was like to go up against a wild animal, a beast that could tear you into pieces in a jiffy.

Yet, what you need to take on a bear is not a gun or a spear or a grenade. All you need is courage.

If you have guts and no certificate, you are fine. However If you have certifications and no guts, you are screwed.

Do you have enough courage to begin to take steps towards your higher dreams or will you continue to dwell in the lower realms, too scared to take a step?

Some years ago, a vision grabbed me and I started thinking about it. The more I thought about it, the more I felt it was beyond me, it was not looking 100% achievable, but it was certainly worth giving a try.

The stars did not align, I did not receive everything I needed for a quick execution of the vision, but I then realised that by taking steps towards its fulfillment every single day, I increased my chances of succeeding tremendously.

Most people never realise this, but there is power in moving towards your dreams.

Today, I take another important step towards the goal of connecting youths in lower tier towns to the global economy. Today, I am hosting the first digital jobs seminar in Ikere-Ekiti and from there, things should enter the next level.

It is happening because I have found the courage to do it. Not because of easy availability of money, men or resources. Not because of any support from powerful organisations.

It is just me and my courage.

When it comes to matters of vision, it almost always boils down to having the guts to pursue it.


About The Author

Ademola Morebise Posted on

Principal Ademola Morebise, aka "He That Watereth" is a teacher, creator and magnate. is the home of his writing and work.