On your toes!

The best kind of people to keep around are the folks that keep you on your toes. Those people that challenge you to give your 300% into whatever it is you do.

I got this email yesterday from a friend and member of our #TMP community:

Mr. Morebise !!!.

I really don’t like you at all. You keep raising the bar so high. After the feedbacks from your Facebook post.  You resumed this post and has still not affected other platforms you created. Are you even human?
How do you manage all this things? 
When I start to feel myself small. You come around with your anointed head and make me brace up again. Challenging and exerting myself to do much more than I’m doing.
I’m warning you this man. Let me enjoy my next “feeling of myself” in peace. 
I’ll just go ahead and keep working on the next project.
God bless you.

..and so that I also don’t start to feel myself, I reminded myself that:

At the start of the 3rd quarter of this year, when I reviewed the work, I was getting uneasy that I was having about 4 platforms to keep track of, in a corner of my mind, I was thinking maybe it was time to consolidate some things and make things a bit easier.

Then I stumbled on the site of a senior colleague… the dude had expanded his work into like 6 platforms; up-and-running, frequently updated.

I woke up instantly: we can do more.

We must not be looking for validation of our ideas and work rate in the wrong places.

Stop patting yourself on your back for been that one-eyed man leading a band of blind folks.

Don’t be a local champion.

Constantly up your game… stay on your toes!

If my activities and writings keep you on your toes, it is part of the package.


About The Author

Ademola Morebise Posted on

Principal Ademola Morebise, aka "He That Watereth" is a teacher, creator and magnate. Morebise.com is the home of his writing and work.