Nobody cares about what you know. Try this instead.

I want to let you in on a big secret of my life and success so far.

I might be everything people say I am: brilliant, self-driven, highly optimistic and visionary…

However, this is all irrelevant.

What really matters is that I care.

See, people are not so interested in what you know or how you do your things… they are most interested in knowing that you care about them…

So, stop trying to bamboze and impress people with your vast knowledge, rather… show them that you care. That you really care about them.

Your favourite suppliers and contractors are most likely to be people that have shown that beyond this transaction: we actually care about whether you make it or not.

Seth Godin always points out that we now more or less live in a “connection economy”; more than ever before, you need to take your time to actually connect with people.

First show that you really care.

Then show that you know your craft.

Then, and only then can we talk about really making real money.

The era of transactional business is over.

About The Author

Ademola Morebise Posted on

Principal Ademola Morebise, aka "He That Watereth" is a teacher, creator and magnate. is the home of his writing and work.