Quick strategies to begin acquiring more customers

There is this reader comment about my ebook, 7 Decisions That Will Decide Your Success that says “This book is a quick read but also surprisingly thought provoking. Here are 4 cardinal point this book will help you push to improve in 2018: your value,your market,your network and your sale (sic) strategy.”

I found the comment very interesting. A validation of the thinking and strategy I adopted.

The real magic here was that before writing the ebook, I had spent a lot of time thinking about the space and what I wanted to do. There is more to achieving success than just putting something out there.

You need to be deliberate.

When I knew I wanted to write an ebook about my thoughts, I started by taking a look around. Who would this book be for? Why would anyone read it? How are others doing it?

Right there.

That is the secret strategy people are using to get ahead these days.

How are others doing it?

Taking a look around is not copying… it is research! You are trying to learn what has worked well for others, this allows you to avoid common pitfalls and mistakes, getting you started faster.

For example, if you are starting a fast food restaurant… I am betting you will most likely have red or yellow in your brand colours. Why? Those colours hit people’s emotions with respect to food more than any other colour!

Setting up for a tough journey is when you insist blue and green are your colours. They probably will not invoke the right feeling with people.

The important thing here is to always remember that people should be your focus, and not yourself. You do not build a big business around yourself, you build it around people.

Now, trying to understand people is a lot of work. I struggled for many years in my business because even though I had a lot of skills and passion to offer my customers, I did not really know how to get them.

Look, you don’t know what you don’t know. You might be an expert in your profession yet be unable to convert the expertise into a steady flow of clients and projects.

What would I say to you right now that would make you give me your money?

Getting people to pay for your products and services is hard. There is no free money anywhere! You have to earn it. If you do not have the right words, it will not work.

What would I say to you right now that would make you give me your money? How are others doing it?

If you need more customers for your business, go out there and look for the top 3 companies doing well in your industry. Do not pick more than 3.

Study them, how do they market? Where do they get their most customers from? How do they talk? What benefits of the business do they talk about the most? How do customers perceive them?

You want to find out which segments of their customers are not happy with their services and why. You want to understand why the approach of these companies are working so well, and how you can copy them and then improve upon it.

When you compile all this information from the top 3 companies in your space, then you will be ready to sit down to sort through the information you have gathered, then you will add your own unique spin to it.

This is the part where you identify what exactly is unique about you and now inject that into your own work. If you observe that your competitors focus more on pricing for example… there must be a reason. So, what you do is to ensure you address pricing in your own marketing also and then add a little extra.

It is very important that you do not ignore talking about what your customers want to hear about. Leverage the expertise of your competitors, they have been marketing to customers for a while and they have adapted over time, so when you learn from them, you are able to grow your business even faster.

There is another method I have, that one is a bit more aggressive. We use it to legally steal clients that are already buying from our competitors to start buying from us. However, I dare not explain it here.

It will not be fair to those who have paid us to learn it as part of our Digital Marketing Domination program.

I will share the simple way to steal clients from your competitors with you on the Digital Marketing Domination program (click here for info), enroll today… there is a special offer that expires December 22.

If I knew all these strategies when I was starting out, my first companies would not have failed!

So, keep it simple and stupid.

Just follow my advice as outlined here and you are good to go!


What would I say to you right now that would make you give me your money?

If you would love me to work with you one-on-one and help you develop a plan to attract new clients and legally steal clients from your competitors,  then join The Insiders Coaching and MasterMind program. Only 10 slots exist on the program, buy a slot before your competitors do!

About The Author

Ademola Morebise Posted on

Principal Ademola Morebise, aka "He That Watereth" is a teacher, creator and magnate. Morebise.com is the home of his writing and work.