I think the most important factor that guarantees success for a man is vision. Every man needs to find out early how he fits into the collective vision.
Vision always has to operate with people, not a solo effort.
Anybody interested in living a significant life has to align with a vision. Without the zeal of executing a vision burning on the inside of you, you will just coast through life.
I believe that an assembly of God’s people that is also capable of effecting God’s agenda is coming up, a special class of people leading the world in every aspect. In technology, business, commerce, innovation, arts, creativity and productivity.
It seems to be a vision I’ll be more than happy to align with and contribute my own quota towards. The most important thing a man needs is a place where there is leadership, inspiration and impartation in order for them to be able to work at maximum productivity.
When a vision drives us, everybody wins.
Working out a vision is what cements a place for everyone in posterity. Working out a vision guarantees massive success.