Clear your mind

A big secret to becoming more productive is by learning how to focus your thoughts. If you can rid your mind of the 10,000 other things fighting for your attention, you will make serious progress in the task at hand.

If you have a really long to do list like mine, you need to discipline yourself and try to completely focus on item X for Y minutes. Once you decide you want to work on project A for 1 hour, you immediately clear your mind of every other thing. Do not allow your mind to just run circles around, your mind’s power is greater if you focus it on 1 task right now.

It goes without saying then, that the unproductive thoughts be simply deleted altogether. Some thoughts are simply silly, maybe even ridiculous and as such we need to discard such thoughts because for every second we keep such thoughts in our head, we are wasting the valuable computing resources of our mind.

Clear your mind!

When you operate with a clear mind, you get more done in less time.

Watching The World

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About The Author

Ademola Morebise Posted on

Principal Ademola Morebise, aka "He That Watereth" is a teacher, creator and magnate. is the home of his writing and work.