Creative muscles

I agree with the school of thought that says everybody is born creative. We seem then to lose our creativity as we begin to grow older.

It seems to me that the older we become, the less creative we are and this seems to be because we stop exercising our creativity. Like any other endeavor, the more we try to be creative, the better we get.

Start doing creative acts more often and you will experience a creative boost.

You can start with an early morning task, something like: writing a poem every morning or drawing something every morning. You will observe your skill level go from really wacky to mediocre and then to intermediate and then slowly you will observe that you are becoming good at this thing… You finally become awesome.

Your constant practice has developed your creative muscles. You start performing at a new level.


Watching The World


About The Author

Ademola Morebise Posted on

Principal Ademola Morebise, aka "He That Watereth" is a teacher, creator and magnate. is the home of his writing and work.