Capacity on the inside

One of the difference between great people and mediocre is planning and attention to detail. A good planner can easily execute 10 projects simultaneously, switching from task to task with great ease while a mediocre will barely be able to run and properly execute one project effectively.

What makes this difference?

I think it is the capacity within. I firmly believe that anyone can perform at their peak if they take time to develop themselves into the very best they can.

Most people that honestly sit down and ask themselves: “Am I operating at my peak? Am I doing the best I can do?” usually answer NO. There is usually this feeling deep down inside that i can do much more than I am currently doing.

One trend in the business space recently is an influx of people who moan over lack of money as a reason they cannot pursue their business ideas. Yet, I think they are missing the real issue. It is an issue of capacity!

Everyone will move ahead much faster if they took time to acquire skills and develop capacity on the inside.

Many people want to start businesses and the only knowledge they are equipped with are 10,000 quotable quotes! They know NOTHING about marketing, strategy, basic business accounting, business law and a dozen other essential things every serious business owner needs to know. Running a business is not an evening stroll with your significant other, where all that is required is laughter and sincerity.

The Japanese say “Business is War”, and my own personal research agrees with them.

Whatsoever you are thinking of spending your time and life doing, you should develop capacity to handle it.


Watching The World


About The Author

Ademola Morebise Posted on

Principal Ademola Morebise, aka "He That Watereth" is a teacher, creator and magnate. is the home of his writing and work.