Morning Starter

In my humble opinion, the morning is the most important part of the day. The morning tends to be the period you can mine for maximum productivity if you know how to go about it.

By morning, I really mean early morning, in the range of 5AM – 7AM, not 8AM, 9AM. I mean really early in the morning. How do you kick start your mornings? Do you try to have a defined routine or you just take it as it comes?

I believe it will do you a lot of good if you really take out time to plan your morning routine in a way that you extra maximum value from that quiet period when your mind is refreshed from a good night’s sleep.

One of the great things to do early in the morning is to expose your mind to great ideas and do some thinking and reflection. Who do you spend your mornings with? What do you gain every morning?

I am not going to tell you exactly what to do (or what I do in the morning), as I believe it is best you come up with a formula that works best for you. I will just leave you with a lot of pointers.

  • The very first thing you want to do is ensure you wake up early enough. You will not be able to use your mornings productively if you keep on waking up late. Waking up late wastes the morning, as you will not be in frame of mind for productivity. You would rather be playing catch up, running here and there to get yourself together and ensure you meet up with the day’s commitment.
  • Try to create a 2 hour period for yourself. You should have it in mind that you would like to deposit 2 hours into yourself everyday. Look at it this way; you get 24 hours every day and various forces of life will demand for portions of it. Your day job, parents, children and friends will all take their own part out of the day. At the end of the day, you have not used any part of the day for yourself, for your own personal development. Change that! You should also take 2 hours in the morning for yourself.
  • Expose yourself to great minds and great ideas by reading great books. One of the greatest books successful people like reading very early in the morning is the best selling book of all time – The Holy Bible and I cannot endorse it enough, it ought to find a space on your shelf – whether physical or virtual. You should try reading it in as many various translations as possible. You should also add read other great books that discusses other important aspects of life like financial, relationship, goal setting, creativity, strategy and leadership. Needless to say having The Morebise Post included in your morning schedule is also a great thing. The goal is to educate your mind. The cool, serene atmosphere you get in most places in the morning makes it easier to learn things in the morning. (There is a reason schools teach Mathematics in the morning and Home Economics in the afternoon 😀 )
  • The morning is a great time for thinking and reflections. I think it is a great thing to reflect upon life everyday. Many people have goals, but because they do not reflect and think about their goals often enough, they usually end up forgetting about the goals. Then, one morning they wake up and discover they have failed to take the little steps required for the grand goal to happen. That will not happen if you think about it everyday. The morning is a great thing to ponder upon the question: “What can I do about my goals today?”

You really should upload today’s Post into your mind and share it with friends and family that you feel will find it useful.



About The Author

Ademola Morebise Posted on

Principal Ademola Morebise, aka "He That Watereth" is a teacher, creator and magnate. is the home of his writing and work.